Soil Stabilization Applications for Highways

Soil stabilization during the construction of new highways has long-lasting benefits. With changes to the weather or increased rainfall one season, the soil will swell and expand, shifting itself in time. This shifting can occur gradually or rapidly. Either way, the result is a damaged roadway. For a highway, any noticeable damage may lead to cause traffic collisions or backups. Both are dangerous.

Here at Earthlok we provide expert soil stabilization services for your roadway construction. Using ionic stabilization methods and non-toxic formulas, we are able to stabilize the soil under your construction site. The result is a longer-lasting build that is a true investment, not a liability, in the coming years.

Importance & Benefits

Over time, the soil underneath your new highway may shift. Whether due to excessive rainfall or moisture being trapped underneath the subgrade, the results can be immediately noticeable. Up above, on the road itself, you may find that cracks and shifts begin to form. These occurrences can be quite dangerous for drivers who are not paying close enough attention to the road before them.

If you would like to avoid repaving a new highway every few years, consider investing in soil stabilization. Earthlok utilizes engineered formulas and industrial-grade equipment to administer our stabilization solutions. Before you start laying your highway, give us a call. We’ll ensure the soil in the area is stable for your new construction.

Schedule soil stabilization services with Earthlok to begin your next highway construction project the right way. You can reach us at 972-923-9698!